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Reviews of Lal & Sons

On this page you will find reviews of Lal & Sons. If you would like to add your own review, please do so using the Add a Review button.


5 people have reviewed this business

  • Bulk buy by Anthony

    This cash and carry is the best in Coventry always low prices and good customer service would recomm... More»

  • Cleanliness by Jack

    Could not walk down some isles where there was water on the floor flooding staff trying to help but ... More»

  • Amazing range of hard to find goods by Tony Gee

    Good range of products for different cuisines and prompt deliveries.... More»

  • Shopping by Zaid

    Shopping with my family staff could not help me with the price of certain products was very disapoin... More»

  • Shopping by Anonymouns

    Staff incorrect dress code for warehousing dark it is cold no set prices i did not know how much thi... More»

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